Friday, May 7, 2010

Playing with Your Food

Since I am rather spent from the last few days, thought I would just share this cute Food Network video clip of Giada De Laurentiis about how to make food fun and enticing for children.

The Mac and Cheese Cupcakes she mentions look like they would be a hit with my sons, especially Little Bro.

Click here for the recipe.

They could easily be something that a child could help make either as a snack or as a meal.
The Mac and Cheese Cupcakes sound very simple to make...

Although she does give a great, straightforward recipe, what is really nice is that there is so much flexibility with it depending on what your child likes to eat...basically, a little hodge-podge of penne, some bits of meat, veggies, and fresh cheese grated on top, baked into muffin tins.

Big Bro would probably want to load his up with either hamburger or grilled chicken pieces, whereas Little Bro would rather skip the meat altogether and would have mounds of cheese in his.
I would probably end up covertly slipping in the veggies to both of their creations. 

Will share some ways we make food an enticing experience at our home with our sons soon, but for now, hope that you will enjoy this nice video clip.

If your children make some of these Mac and Cheese Cupcakes, hope that you will share some cute photos and link to this post.
Also, be sure to check out what Muffin Tin Mom and all of the other creative mommies that link up for Muffin Tin Monday have made...they really know how to make food exciting, easy, and fun for children. 

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