Sunday, May 23, 2010

Something You Don't Hear Every Day!!!

Big Bro to Daddy:  Daddy, Daddy...I'm so happy! I'm so happy! He knocked my tooth out!

Daddy to Big Bro: What?!?

Enter Little Bro, so excited...jumping up and down and smiling.

Big Bro to Daddy: Yeah, he kicked me with his foot and it fell right out!

Daddy: He kicked you and your tooth fell out?

Big Bro: Yes. We were wrestling and he kicked me and my tooth fell out and it didn't even hurt!!!

Mommy to Big Bro: Did he mean to kick you? Let's take a look at your it bleeding?

Big Bro: No, just happened...I am sooooooo glad that he kicked me!

Big Bro: Hugs Little Bro...

Mommy and Daddy: Snap some photos...
Big Bro then gives the ultimate reward to Little Bro and lets him hold the tooth...
 Little Bro is totally impressed with the tooth...

Little Bro to Big Bro: Awesome!

End note:
This is a true story...just happened here at around 3:45 pm...
Luckily, the tooth that was knocked out was an already loose baby tooth...


  1. TOO FUNNY! Congrats to Big Bro - losing a tooth is so exciting. From the looks of it this isn't the first tooth he lost, but I'm guessing it was the most memorable method of tooth loss ;)

  2. Yes, it is tooth #3. He was so excited though.
    Very memorable and surprisingly no trail of blood...very clean knock out.
    Happy Monday!
    Will link later today...have mine written but am waiting to hear back from someone about permission to use their copyrighted photos.

  3. Getting to be trooper! Hope the tooth fairy was awake early. What a fun story to remember. Beats tying the tooth to a door handle and slamming the door.Love ya!

  4. So true! My mom used that door handle idea with my brother and it was not pretty...
    many of mine did not come out on their own so I had to go have some baby teeth pulled when I was in 8th grade...not fun either...
    We love you, too, Grandma!


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