Friday, June 18, 2010

Fabulous Finds Friday!

I did not get to Goodwill or any consignment stores today, namely because we have "The Grands" in town visiting.
We did however, manage to get to Goodwill earlier in the week, but it was somewhat slim pickins' for some reason...
We found two items:

A book about Australia and a simple children's concept book in German...
Simple concept books written in another language are great little additions to continents boxes.

This week's Friday Fabulous Finds  were actually given to us by "The Grands"...

Dear Hubby's parents, affectionately and collectively referred to as "The Grands" by Big Bro and Little Bro", love to travel and have picked up some cool souvenirs along the way.

So, Grandmom contacted us a few weeks ago, before their trek down here and asked if we would like any items for our continents boxes, to which I very enthusiastically said "Yes, please"!!!

So, added to our continents boxes are some of the neat trinkets from their various travels:
Mini alabaster Parthenon from Greece
Mini Eiffel Tower from Paris
Carved eagle from Alaska
Statue from the U.S. Virgin Islands

Little cart pulled by two oxen from Costa Rica
Marble replica of a statue from Rome, Italy

Matryoshka doll, also known as a Russian nesting doll set, from Moscow
Delft Tile from The Netherlands
Carved wooden fisherman from New England
Music Box from Moscow

Hope that everyone has a nice weekend...we certainly will be enjoying our time here.
So cool to have three generations all together for the weekend for Father's Day.

Have a happy Father's Day Weekend, everyone!

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