Friday, July 16, 2010

Fun Friday!

This week, we did not do any shopping for fabulous finds.
We took the week off from looking for little continents box treasures to instead have fun following the total lead of what Little Bro and Big Bro wanted to do for the week.
So, yesterday, the boys decided that they wanted to go check out the pets at a local pet store.
Big Bro wanted to see all of the reptiles they had and said that he really hoped that they would have a Bearded Dragon for him to see and hopefully, to hold.
Little Bro wanted to see the guinea pigs and hamsters.
Going to the pet store to see furry critters is a treat, as they are animals that will not find their way into our home, largely due to allergies.
So that is how we spent part of our day yesterday...
Little Bro still insisted on doing his morning work while eating his breakfast, like he does almost every day.
So, the boys did their morning work, ate breakfast, and then, we headed off to the pet store.
When we got there, we asked the store managers if it would be okay if the boys and I took some photos of the animals and they said it was Little Bro and Big Bro took turns taking photos.

They had a blast!

Then, today, when the boys woke up, we discussed what ideas they had for today...Big Bro went first and said that he wanted to go to the "retirement village near Disney"...Took me a few seconds to realize that he ws talking about the town of Celebration. Celebration is a planned development near Disney. He thought that it was a retirement village, as when we first started going there, it was with his Papa and G, so he assumed that everyone there must be retired there!
I asked him why he wanted to go there and he said that there were a few reasons...
"They like children there."
"They have a shop that sells ice cream AND candy there."
"You can see alligators there."
"And best of all, they have that awesome fountain place there"!!!
He then added that what would make it really cool would be to bring their hockey sticks and a ball and play hockey in the fountains!
Original, yes...but I had to explain to him that we would have to take plastic sticks instead of the wooden ones and that they could only play if there weren't other children playing there, as it would not be safe to play hockey in the fountains with other children playing there...
Little Bro loved Big Bro's idea, but was very set that he wanted to do his regular morning work first, so that is what we did...
Little Bro got out his morning work and did his regular morning work / breakfast routing while Big Bro quickly ate his breakfast and then, played with our Dear Pup while I packed a bag of things to take with us on our little adventure.
We headed out to Celebration and when we were approaching the fountains, much to the chagrin of both boys, there were tons of kids playing in the fountains...but then, right as we got to the benches, ALL of the kids packed up and started to head home...they were all there with a summer camp after a little celebrating by both boys, the two got right to playing hockey in the fountains! They had such a fun time that they actually were squealing with delight! I had a great time, too, as there was a little breeze that made some of the spray from the fountain blow my way...kind of the same sort of sprinkles as when you go to visit Niagara Falls. Really helped to keep me cool...just an awesome day there.

Well, would love to hear what some of you did today...
Hope that you had as much fun following your child's lead as I did following mine for the last few days:)

Happy Friday, Everyone!!!


  1. Oh how I wish we lived close together - what a FUN day we would have had together!
    We celebrated little "Belle's" second birthday this evening. She loved the Mickey Mouse theme!

  2. fantsatic! Such fun!
    Such a lovely image of your days. I'm quite interested in your schooling routine as i will be homeschooling me eldest through secondry in 3 years. long way off i know but starting to think about how to plan our day!

  3. You are such a creative Mommy. Fountain hockey sounds like a great new summer sport. Love ya

  4. I love the look of that hockey in the fountain! So cool


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