Friday, July 30, 2010

Some Snack Attack Scavenger Hunt Photos from Sunrise Learning Lab

Here are some shots of Big Bro and Little Bro having fun doing the Continents...Sweet! Scavenger Hunt 

1. Your family's 3 favorite snacks...please share photos of them, why you like them, as well as the country of origin.

Our favorite three are: yogurt, popcorn, and apples.

Goldfish Crackers, Cliff Kids Z Bars, and pretzels were in the running too...

2.  A snack food that is commonly eaten on your continent, but that your family does not like to eat...
Please share photos and tell why you don't like them...
Dried fruit snacks...we have tried them, from raisins to apricots, from lychee to dried cherries, and again and again, it is a no go with the boys.  They were good sports and tried them but that was it...just a little taste.

Not exactly sure if it the texture or the sweetness, etc.

3. Find individual snack items to represent each of the colors of the rainbow..all of the snacks have to be from the continent you are representing.

Red - watermelon, apples
Orange - orange smoothies, carrots, oranges, goldfish crackers
Yellow - bananas, banana yogurt pops
Green - cucumbers
Blue - blueberries
Purple - grapes

4. Share your favorite snack recipe and tell the continent this snack represents.

Frozen yogurt pops
Super simple but delicious
You need: Yogurt in small plastic cups, such as Dannonino.
Small child sized metal spoons
Directions: Have each child push a small metal spoon through the top of a yogurt cup. Pop into freezer overnight.
Take out the next day and run cup under lukewarm water for a few seconds until the yogurt pop loosens from the container. Enjoy! Yummy!

5. Find 2 snacks that are  made to look like something else...for example, "ants on a log"...
photos, please...
We made Owl Treats and Sea Turtle Cookies. We invited some friends over to help with the snack making fun. Everyone had a good time making the treats, although the biggest hit was the time spent playing with trains and eating popcorn...the boys all had a ball making the food, but did not really eat much of the snacks more than just a few bites...

Both owls and sea turtles are native to the state of Florida in the USA.
We recently saw owls at the bird sanctuary and sea turtles at the Mote Marine Laboratory and Aquarium in Sarasota. Mote is taking in injured animals from the gulf. They currently already help some injured owls and sea turtles who were injured due to boating carelessness, and now, they will be taking on the injured animals from the oil spill area.
For the Owl Treats, we used: round whole grain wheat crackers, round whole wheat crackers, string cheese sliced into ovals, bits of meats for the wings and body (we used Pepperoni, ham, and bologna), and cheese bits for the beaks and feet (we used both American and mild cheddar).
For the glue, we used cream cheese.

For the Sea Turtle Cookies, we made chocolate chip cookie dough and rolled it into a bit of powdered sugar so that it wasn't as sticky. Each child then shaped their cookie to be the shell / body...
We looked at a stuffed animal sea turtle to get an idea of how to make the body shape...
We dipped whole wheat crackers into dark chocolate for the fins...
We used a chocolate chip to be the tail.
for the head, each child rolled 1/4 piece of a chocolate protein bar as the head.
We ended up rolling the piece into chocolate so that it would stick better to the body.
For the sand, we ground up whole wheat crackers and some graham crackers.
These were quite yummy!

6. Take some photos of any of your favorite wrappers / packaging from snack foods that are from the continent you are doing.
 7. Try to one find one snack item that is completely new and from a different continent than the continent you are doing. Do a family taste test and share your results.

We tried Shrimp and Vegetable tempura from the country of Japan on the Continent of Asia.
The boys loved it!
We got ours from a Japanese steakhouse, though, as I am not that into making things such as Tempura recipes...
 They know what they are doing, so why mess with such a good thing?

If you are up for making it at home, here is a link to a recipe to try from Emeril Lagasse.
Well, that is what we did for the Continents...Sweet! Scavenger Hunt here in the Sunshine State. All in all, it was a fun time and a neat way to try a few new treats.

Well, looking forward to the remaining participants photos...will post a wrap up post later tonight and will start emailing the pdfs to participants either tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks to all who joined us in this fun activity!
Hope that you will join us for our August scavenger hunt...Shapes in Nature...

1 comment:

  1. This looked like so much fun. I know the boys would have loved to do it. I wish we had had the time, but with our vacation and then trying to do catch-up between our Cub Scout activities this week, it just wasn't happening. Maybe next month!


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