Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fun New Halloween Themed Montessori Math Work

For those of you who use Montessori inspired math beads, here is a fun Halloween themed math work for the month of October:
Instead of using the arrows for counting by 5's with the beads or bead chains, you can use tiny ghost erasers.
First, you will need a total of 20 ghost erasers.
These are available at the dollar section of Target, although you may find other Halloween themed erasers at other stores that would work just as well...
To prepare this work, do the following:
Take a black permanent marker and write the following numbers on the ghosts:
Then, if you normally use a light colored rug for math work, swap it out for a dark colored one, such as navy blue or black.
This is so that the beads and the white ghosts show up nicely...
Then, explain to your child that instead of using bead chain arrows for counting, that they may choose to use the ghosts for counting by 5's and if they do that work and like using the little ghosts in place of the arrows, that you will make other sets of erasers for the other counting with the beads...
The child should roll out their mat...
Then, he or she should lay out either their 5's bead chains from the Bead Cabinet or else their 5's beads from the Decanomial Bead Box, depending on what beads you happen to have...
Then, next to the pile of beads or bead chains, the child should lay out the pile of ghosts so that all of the numbers written in marker are face up...they can be kept in random order if the child chooses, or else, the child could choose to place these ghosts in correct number order first...
Then, the child should proceed doing the counting by 5's work as he or she normally would do, except subbing in the tiny numbered ghosts for the bead chain arrows.
This work was a hit with both boys! 
If you feel so inclined, you can use other small erasers for additional counting.
The bats from Target work well for counting by 2's, as the bats have two wings...the boys loved this work as well!
I have added some photos of the boys doing the work with counting by 2's using the bats.
To use the bats as the fill-in for the bead chain arrows, buy the bat erasers from Target.
Then, in silver metallic marker, write all of the counting by 2's numbers onto the bats. For the purpose of this work, we just did up to 50:
2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28, 30,32,34,36, 38,40,42,44,46,48,50.
For this work, the boys added a felt tree and they decided to put the 2's green beads in the tree as the leaves...then, they added some gray pieces for a cave and put the bats in and around the cave and the tree.
Candy corns work well for counting by 3's, as the candy corns are like triangles, with three sides, plus they have three colors on them...
Pumpkin candies work well for counting by 10's...
This is the extent of what we have tried and have enjoyed, but you could certainly come up with more Halloween themed replacements for the bead chain arrows.

Well, here are some photos of the work with the ghosts filling in for the bead chain arrows for counting by 5's, as well as photos of the bats filling in for the bead chain arrows for counting by 2's.

We use the beads from our Decanomial Bead Box for counting

Blue beads for counting by 5's; ghosts filling in for bead chain arrows...

Close-up of little ghosts and beads...

One view of the beads and the ghosts...

Whole view of completed counting by 5's work using ghosts for bead chain arrows...

Big Bro set up the counting by 2's work for himself and for Little Bro.

Close-up of the bats filling in for the counting by 2's bead chain arrows.

Little Bro doing the counting by 2's work.

Do you have any Halloween themed works that you would like to share?
if you do, please feel free to provide a link in the comments section of this post.

I will be adding other Halloween themed activities over the course of the next few days, so be sure to pop back to see the others I will be adding...


  1. What w wonderful Halloween idea. My son will be on cloud nine when I give him the new substitutes for arrows.
    Thank you for the spooky inspiration ;-)

  2. What a fun way to practice math! I am new follower from the Living Life Intentionally Link Party. Vicky from

  3. When I first saw this I thought, oh what a cute craft. Now after reading - WOW a cute craft with math!! LOVE IT! Thanks for linking up at Linky Party!!

  4. When I first saw this I thought, oh what a cute craft. Now after reading - WOW a cute craft with math!! LOVE IT! Thanks for linking up at Linky Party!!


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