Monday, October 10, 2011

Gifted Program

Update: July 2, 2014:
I have added links to the links page. To access the links page, please click links at the top of my blog header. 
At the top of the Links, I have listed psychologists in our region who do gifted testing and assessments. 
The links page has been updated to reflect the links that we are currently using at Sunrise Learning Lab, so there are more that tie in with gifted education, in lieu of Montessori and early childhood links. I started this blog when the boys were very young and had links that reflected what we were doing at the time. Since many people follow both me on social media, especially those who follow my blog and my Pinterest boards, I plan to create an updated links page that will contain Montessori, early childhood, and primary education for children ages 3 and up. 

Update 6/23/2014:
Gifted Program Details:
Gifted Students, ages 9-13, will be selected to take part in our program. They will have an amazing opportunity to explore their interests and pursue their passions! Based upon information gathered through the intake and interview process, students will then have the opportunity to research, collaborate, and share their work. Students will have to demonstrate both quantitatively and qualitatively that they are gifted and talened in one or more of the following categories:
Foreign Languages (Spanish, French, Chinese, or German)
S.T.E.M. (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
Global Learning
Fine Arts
English Language Arts

***2E students may apply and depending upon a student's area of prodigious aptitude, we will work to see if our program will be a good fit.
All students in our gifted program will be encouraged to explore their passions and pursue the subjects for which they demonstrate extraordinary aptitude.

We are going to use the following materials as part of our program:
Moving Beyond the Page
Stanford Online Gifted Program
Middlebury Interactive Languages
Renzulli Learning (University of CT)
Lego EV3 and EV3 Space Challenge
IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing) 
Custom Materials designed by Sunrise Learning Lab
iPads or iPad Minis

We have begun to plan field trips...each semester will have a different focus:
Semester 1 - Experiencing Early America 
Trip to D.C. and Williamsburg, Virginia

Semester 2 - Investigating All Around Florida
Everglades Trip  

Applications will be individually emailed to interested applicants in the Sunshine State. This program is only available at present to students who reside in our region of Florida or whose families would be willing to relocate to our region of Florida for our program!


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