Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Montessorian Karen Tyler Has Updated Her Albums for ages 3-6!

For those of you who have been regular readers of Sunrise Learning Lab, you know that I think the world of Karen Tyler and her fabulous program and albums.

Cannot say enough nice things about Karen and Worldwide Montessori Online

 Karen Tyler is a wonderful Montessorian and has been a real inspiration to many of us, largely   homeschooling moms...

Karen gets it...
She gets that there may very well be great reasons (ranging from spiritual to physical, from financial to philosophical) WHY we homeschool and why we choose to utilize Montessori materials and the Montessori philosophy in our homes.
She gets the notion of a Montessori inspired home and also gets the idea that some of us choose to not only use Montessori but also to incorporate some other materials and philosophies into something that works for our children.
She gets that we are all on our own life journey and that one size does not fit all with respect to educational settings, for some children have very specific environmental or learning needs, so Karen has been willing to share her expertise in helping us to navigate how to try to "do Montessori" in the home. 
Karen gives it...
She gives freely of herself, her experiences, her materials, her insights...
She has made her online training, her excellent albums, and her lectures, essays, helpful hints very accessible.
She is incredibly generous. She does not charge nearly what her training is worth...she wants to share her wealth of knowledge and does so out of the goodness of her heart.

Although I have additional degrees in education and have classroom teaching experience, going through Karen's program really helped me to chart a course for homeschooling my sons. Homeschooling is a whole other "ballgame" than being in the classroom in a school setting, regardless of whether it is public or private, traditional or progressive, etc.

She offers both online training and albums, as well as albums for purchase. These albums are ideal for those who wish to provide a Montessori inspired homeschool environment for their children or for those who might be thinking of opening their own private Montessori school.

So, without further ado, here is a sneak peek of Karen's updated albums. I had the opportunity to preview one of her updated albums and it is wonderful! Am sure that the rest will be equally as nice!

Thanks for all that you do for the Montessori inspired homeschool community, Karen!


  1. Yes! Her albums and training are beyond great :)
    And thank you again for free on-line training @ World Wide Montessori :)

  2. I do agree - Karen's albums are full of passion and knowledge on how to help child to navigate through a wonderful escapade of learning ;-))

    My sons have benefited so much from my free on-line training@ World Wide Montessori!!!!!!

    Thank you for giving me the chance !!!

    Love and appreciation


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