Monday, March 26, 2012

Meet Our Two Newest Additions to Our Family: Cuddles & Hop! Plus a link to a Giveaway!

For some reason, shortly before or after I end up in the hospital, it generally ends up meaning that our boys get a new pet.

We got our dear pup that way, got our turtles that way, and now, we have two new little rabbit friends named Hop and Cuddles.

We had promised the boys that following my surgery, we would let them get bunnies.

However, we ended up getting them a little before my surgery, as they were available now.

We went to try to pick out the bunnies and the two that the boys selected are perfect!
The bunnies go well with the boys' personalities.
Little Bro's bunny, Hop, loves to be handled which works well, as Little Bro loves to hold her and pet her ears.
Little Bro selected a Netherlands Dwarf bunny and named her Hop.
Hop has similar strawberry-blondish coloring to Little Bro.

Then, Big Bro chose his bunny. He selected a little Mini Lop Dwarf, with salt and pepper coloring.
Big Bro's bunny, Cuddles,  is appropriately named, as she likes to cuddle, but she also loves to eat!

Both bunnies are so tiny and super soft.

The boys are very happy about their new pets.
They are working on various rabbit projects bunny themed lapbooks from Homeschool Share.

We also have started to read some fun bunny themed books that are customary at Easter time.
Big Bro has enjoyed reading two Beatrix Potter classics, The Tale of Peter Rabbit and The Tale of Benjamin Bunny, to Little Bro.
We have also read The Runaway Bunny and The Golden Egg, both by Margaret Wise Brown.
So all in all, a very fun, bunny filled last few days!

Well, here are some photos of our little cuties!

Currently, we have a crate designed for rabbits that has a plastic floor and metal sides.
We also still had an old play yard first that we used to use when Dear Pup was a tiny puppy.
We have foam floor squares down to make it soft for both the boys and the bunnies when they are in there playing together. Dear Hubby plans on doing a hack on an old changing table we have stored in Little Bro's closet from way, way back in the diaper changing days. Dear Hubby plans to make it over to an awesome bunny play area and hutch! That is unless, of course, we are lucky enough to have the guys from the DIY Network pop by to come Crash our yard and lanai into an outdoor classroom and play area.

Now, here is a neat giveaway that has to do with stuffed bunnies!

It is through one of our family's favorite companies, Melissa & Doug
Today only, 3/26/2012, they are giving away a bunny to someone on their Facebook page. 
You need to check out their adorable bunnies and vote for your favorite: 
Blossom, Brenna, or Brambles.
Since Brambles looks just like Big Bro's real bunny rabbit, we voted for Brambles!

They are all adorable though...

Full disclosure:
Sunrise Learning Lab is not involved with organizing this stuffed bunny giveaway, but we thought that all Sunrise Learning Lab readers would love to know about this giveaway...
We have done some reviews for Melissa & Doug from time to time and just love their products!

Here's a link to the Melissa & Doug Facebook page that lists the bunny giveaway.

Do you think Brambles looks like Cuddles? Pretty spot on, huh?!?

Do you purchase Easter themed items, such as stuffed bunnies and such for Easter? 

Do you have pets in your home?

Do any family members like to work on furniture hacks for things such as homes for pets? 

If you have posts on your blog about your pets, or furniture hacks, we would love to pop by to see you and your blog. Please feel free to link up with any related posts. If you enter the Melissa & Doug Facebook contest and end up winning, please be sure to let us know here!

Happy Spring!

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