Thursday, July 22, 2010

Since It's Now Friday in Parts of the World...

A few minutes ago, Dear Hubby and I were having a nice relaxing dinner.
Since the boys were playing on our lanai, just the two of us got to sit and have a bite to eat...
As we were sitting there, getting to actually visit, Dear Hubby asked me if there was anything on my plate for the weekend.
I said that I was going to run a cool scavenger hunt on my blog so I would have to get up bright and early to post, as the scavenger hunt is supposed to go from Friday until Monday...
Then, while we were sitting there, it dawned on me that all of far away friends on the other side of the globe would already be into their Friday...
So, in fairness to everyone, here is the Scavenger Hunt list...
You need:
A camera or cell phone that has a built in camera.
A notebook and some pencils or pens.
Internet access.
A sense of humor.
A sense of adventure.
Some creativity.
1. For this swap, you and your family are going to go on a hunt for snacks!
2. You may either to choose to look for snack food items that are from your country or your continent or else snack food items from another continent. Just be specific as to which country and continent you are representing, so that when we do a share of the cool photos for everyone to see what everyone else found, we will know the origin of your family's snacks...
3. When you find something from the list, take a photo of it.
You are most welcome to snap photos of you and your family eating the snacks, but you are also most welcome to snap photos of just the snack itself.
4.  If, for whatever reason, you do not want to do one of the items on the list, that is fine...please use your discretion based on your family's dietary needs, food allergies, cultural needs, or religious needs...also, please feel free to extend this to sometime Tuesday, please do so...

Think process, not, have fun and now...
The list:
1. Your family's 3 favorite snacks...please share photos of them, why you like them, as well as the country of origin.

2.  A snack food that is commonly eaten on your continent, but that your family does not like to eat...
Please share photos and tell why you don't like them...

3. Find individual snack items to represent each of the colors of the rainbow..all of the snacks have to be from the continent you are representing.

4. Share your favorite snack recipe and tell the continent this snack represents.

5. Find 2 snacks that are  made to look like something else...for example, "ants on a log"...
photos, please...

6. Take some photos of any of your favorite wrappers / packaging from snack foods that are from the continent you are doing.

7. Try to one find one snack item that is completely new and from a different continent than the continent you are doing. Do a family taste test and share your results.

Either post your photos to your blog and send me the link, add to your Facebook page and send me a message, or email them to me by Tuesday, July 27th...***
Have fun!
For participating, all families will receive:
An eBook of an international cookbook and some individual, pictorial recipes for children.

In addition, you will be all put into a drawing for some international snacks!
Depending on who wins, I will either send it to you online or else, thru the postal mail, depending on where you reside.

Will award a special prizes for:
The most creative, as well as anyone who can find out what kinds of snacks the researchers eat in Antarctica...consider this to be like extra credit...

The winner will have to let me know if their families have any food allergies or dietary restrictions (Kosher, vegetarian, vegan, sugar free, gluten free, etc.)
*** By participating in this swap, you agree to let me use your photos on the my blog post next Wednesday, when I announce the winners and start emailing the pdfs to all participants.
Also, if your family tries a new snack as a part of this swap and your family has any food allergies, I am not to be held responsible for anything that you try. 
You will retain all photo rights...I will only want to be able for my children and for other participants' children to see and read about snacks from all over the world, as it would really enhance our learning and understanding.
Next Month's Scavenger Hunt:
Shapes in Nature!


  1. Yeeee - let's go! that Antarctica snack a pemmican maybe?

  2. Now that I've seen what the hunt is, I think I'll switch from Antarctica to ... well, looks like no one took Asia. So we'll say Asia!

  3. We don't really have easy access to any pre-made snacks from our continent, so we'll just make a few recipes!

  4. This sounds like fun! We have a HUGE weekend (we're just returning from a week in VT and have a parade in DC with the BSA on Sunday), but I'll see if I can't get to it by Monday! If not, we may just be a post hoc entry. ;)

  5. Hi Colleen! I have A Blog With Substance Award for you on my blog:

  6. I've got our first post up!

    More coming later....

  7. Here's my first post...


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