Saturday, July 24, 2010

Substance in Blogging: Words of Thanks, Mantras (sort of ), and the Nifty Nine

Little Wonders' Days and Leptir gave Sunrise Learning Lab a neat award called A Blog with Substance. 

Am supposed to do some things for this award to be official...
#1.Say thanks to the people who gave me the thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart, Kelly and Nataša!
I really  enjoy reading both of your excellent blogs and are glad you enjoy reading mine.
You should all pop by Nataša's blog, Leptir, as she is always doing neat things over on her blog. One of her most recent posts, Summer, gave me some great ideas for fun summer activities to do with my sons.
Her blog is in Croatian, but she has a cool translate button so that you can read it in English. 
Even before you hit the translate button, though, just from her photos alone, you can see the quality activities does...very cool stuff!
I really need to get around to adding a translate button to mine, in case anyone would want to read Sunrise Learning Lab in another language. 
So, thanks to Leptir for reminding me of this, too.

Kelly's blog, Little Wonders' Days, is somewhat new to really enjoying her blog as sure to check out her blog, too...
Kelly shares about raising her children, a five year old son and a set of two year old twins (a boy and a girl) and also shares some awesome recipes!

Next, #2.
I am supposed to sum up my philosophy of my blog in five, for this step, first, I read what Kelly and Nataša had to say about their blogs...

Kelly had this to say about her lovely blog: 
Savoring the wonder in childhood
Kelly's statement is so spot on for what all of us need to do who either have children or work with children.
Kelly is the mom to three little ones and yet, she still take time to bake awesome looking stuff like Baked Brie. Oh, how I wish she was my neighbor and we could come over for some of that yummy snack! 

Nataša summed up her wonderful blog by saying:
Observation, innovation, creation, relaxation, enjoyment.
Am not sure if these are the exact words she chose for her description or if was via the Google Translate, but whatever the case, those words are so perfect for what is featured on Leptir. 

Nataša always offers a fresh perspective on things and seems very relaxed in her manner. I always imagine her room to be a very comfortable, beautiful place where children are engrossed in their learning and probably just adore having Nataša for their teacher / classroom guide.
Nataša is a class act. 

Tried to figure out how to shrink how I had summed up Sunrise Learning Lab already...kind of my blog's mantra... 
Having fun living, loving, learning in the Sunshine State. 
Homeschooling every morning and then taking in the sunshine every afternoon. 

So, then, here are my two truncated versions, exactly five words each, of this:
Homeschooling: a.m.; Sunshine: p.m.
Living, loving, learning, homeschooling, sunshine...

Now the fun part...passing out the award to some Awesome Blogs with Substance...
(in random order) 
My List of Nifty Nine...

Let the Children Play 
Pink & Green Mama
I'm a Teacher, Get Me OUTSIDE Here!
Beautiful Sun Montessori
Not Just Cute
Get your Mess On
Maybe Montessori
Childhood 101
Hope that all of you will check out these neat blogs.
From the Yahoo! Education online reference dictionary...

    1. That which has mass and occupies space; matter.
    2. A material of a particular kind or constitution.

    1. Essential nature; essence.
    2. Gist; heart.
  1. That which is solid and practical in character, quality, or importance: a plan without substance.
  2. Density; body: Air has little substance.
  3. Material possessions; goods; wealth: a person of substance. 


  1. Congratulations on this great awards - you deserve it :)

  2. Never two without Three: Your blog is great! an award wating on my blog! :)

  3. Congrats on the awards!!! Wahoo!

    I'm having fun surfing your blog! What lucky kids to have with you taking charge of their education instead of relying on the system. I hear of a lot of great homeschooler's in FLA. My nieces moved down there and they were disappointed in the school they attended. One even moved back up here and lives with an aunt just to attend school. Some schools are fabulous and others are lacking in CT. Many people have said this but I'll quote Arne Duncan, Secretary of Education, "Education is the civil rights issue of our generation." What you are doing is so important for everyone's future. Keep up the good work. I pray for a day when public education can work for kids who don't have a mom like you. I love your philosophies! I'll be visiting often.

    Your friend at,


  4. Thank you so much for the award - it always gives me a little thrill that there are people all over the world reading it! And I love finding interesting blogs like yours as well - enjoying reading about the educational philosophies and approaches.

  5. Yes - Can I echo Jenny's comment. Thank you very much for rating my blog.

    I always feel it's a bit of a blog-out-on-a-limb in that it doesn't fit neatly into the pre-school category, or the hairy-beardy-outdoor-explorer blog, or the nature blog, or the ICT techy education blogs or the parent blogging category. So this is a very kind award.

    Much in appreciation,

  6. Thanks from me too! A total thrill to be appreciated... look forward to hearing about your adventures in rope-making!


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