Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Little Bro and His Love for Snails and Slugs!

Recently, Little Bro has been very fascinated by snails and slugs.
His curiosity was increased during the tropical storms of the last few days, as following the rain, there were loads of little snails creeping and crawling at my parents' place.
Here is Little Bro holding a new found snail friend!
Little Bro has been enjoying observing them as well as holding them.
We went to the library and lo and behold, he found some interesting books featuring snails and slugs as well.
This book, The Secret, does not look like it is about snails at first...
In the book, you have to trace the path from page to page...
At the end, you find out that the secret is between two snails. Such a fun book!
Have started to compile resources on my new Pinterest pinboard, aptly named Snails, Slugs, and Others Loved by Little Bro. Have compiled a variety of resources, including art project ideas, websites with great snail and slug information, interesting images of snails and slugs, as well as a variety of picture books that would enhance the study of snails and slugs.

Do you have a child who is interested in snails and / or slugs?
If you do, hope that you will check out my Pinterest pinboard.

Here is a sample art project from Kiboomu from my Snails, Slugs and Others Little Bro Loves! board:

Source: via Colleen on Pinterest

Here is a neat, higher level thinking research project for snails. The research project webpage was designed by Carmela Harris, SIS Grade 3 Teacher, from New York, so a big thanks to her and her students for sharing this great resource! It was designed to be used for Grade 3, but will also work well for younger children. Little Bro and Big Bro are going to do this project together.

If you do any neat snail or slug themed projects or find any other resources related to this theme, hope that you will pop by to leave a comment with a link to your resources or blog post.

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