Friday, June 1, 2012

Paul Klee Artist Study

Today, we started an artist study about Paul Klee.
What fun to learn about expressionist art!

First, Big Bro and Little Bro read a great biography for children called The Life and Work of Paul Klee by Sean Connelly.

Source: via Colleen on Pinterest

Then, we researched various Paul Klee artwork, from his paintings to his puppets.

Next, we found Switzerland and Germany on the globe.
We discussed that Paul Klee had a son named Felix.

The boys were curious to find out if many of the projects that Paul Klee did were either for his son or inspired by his son. 

Finally for today,  the boys decided that they wanted to try their hand at making some Paul Klee inspired art. We did not use paint but rather, paper mosaic pieces, glue sticks, colored pencils, and black markers. Both Big Bro and Little Bro really enjoyed making their first Paul Klee inspired art project!


We are going to try to make some Paul Klee inspired hand puppets and etchings over the course of the next few days.

Have compiled a Pinterest Board called Paul Klee Artist Study, so if you want to see some of his work or get some neat ideas, please be sure to check out my board.
Have you and your children studied Paul Klee? 

If you have, would love it if you would link up what you have done for a Paul Klee artist study!

While researching for our study, happened to find that one of my favorite bloggers, LaPaz Home Learning, did a neat Paul Klee Study a while ago. 
Liked it so much that I have pinned her blog post to my Pinterest board.

She lists several Klee-related links in her post. We are looking forward to going through the list of links to see some of the other posts and projects that she has mentioned.

Well, have a happy weekend to you and yours!

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