Big Bro woke up and did notice that Little Bro had gotten into his work, as the skittles work and fraction circles work Big Bro had selected were just a little separated and did not look exactly as when Big Bro had gotten them out...but he actually was pleasantly surprised that Little Bro had gotten up, tried out his work, and had it all put back fairly neatly before Big Bro had even rolled out of bed. Big Bro took on the attitude of "Yes, that's my little brother...taught him everything I know..."
So the morning started out well for everyone.
Big Bro got into his skittle s work and then, his fraction circles work. The fraction circles work is a little different than the traditional fraction circle work...found this neat, wipe off book which gives some additional practice and makes it fun, as you write the fraction with a wipe off pen.
We did a mini presentation / discussion of how to use the book and we talked about the terms numerator and denominator.
I told him what I had been told by a fellow classmate when I was a kid:
"Always think ND like Notre Dame...Numerator sits on the top and Denominator sits on the bottom so that you have the right team"! (Thanks to T. Z. from my gradeschool class.)
Then, after skittles and fractions work, we had some chocolate chip cookies and discussed about fractions while eating cookies.
Dear Hubby had made them with the boys from scratch...so good!
Then, after math work, Big Bro decided to do a phonics word game that goes along with the Pink Series. Will have to check where these are from, but to whomever created them, thank you.:)
Think that they might be from the Free Montessori Materials website, but will doublecheck.
Then, after the pink game, Big Bro chose to try a new work called "Language Games". The one he selected was about nouns. He did very well with it and got the hang of it pretty quickly.
Have had these games since I started teaching and have no idea as to where they are from, but they are great, as the puzzle pictures work as the control of error for the games.
Have them for all sorts of levels and parts of speech, etc.
Then, Big Bro did his reading with me. This is something he does daily, even on the weekends. Today, he read two books.
He really seems to love reading!
He has to select a little book and read either to me or to his dad...or in some cases, a special guest, if we have someone over who is a fluent reader.
Generally, I record things related to his reading in a daily journal...but our little journal is M.I.A.!!!
Hope to find it soon!!! Big Bro has read 51 books since we started. He is trying to get to 100 and is excited to see how long it takes.
Big Bro loves the Brand New Reader books by Candlewick Press.
He likes these better than any others. But, we have started to also do some by the Wright Group and by Scholastic.
Big Bro wrapped up the morning trying to make a tornado out of some soda bottles. He was missing a key part of this project, namely duct tape! So, he learned a good lesson that warpping you fingers around the bottles won't hold them together.
So, he did some H2O cleanup and we wrapped up our morning.
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