All of these photos were taken by Big Bro and Little Bro...
Hourglass Tree Frog Thai Leaf Frog Strawberry Poison Dart Frog (so cute but so deadly!) Burrowing Gopher Frog (so cool! First time he has ever been out for us to see him!)
You overwhelm me! Just when I think, "hey, colleen hasn't posted in awhile" then BAM! Tons of great photos to share. Thanks!
I have the new Homeschool Highlight Reel post up for this week if you want to participate. No need to write a new post, just add HHR button or link into one of these posts you have already written!
Heidi, Thanks for your nice comment. Would like to participate in the HHR thing you mentioned, but am going to have to go figure out how to do it. I have not done anything like this before so please excuse my learning curve...but hopefully, I will figure it out and will add it today. Happy Friday!
Hello! Hope that you will pop over to see our new Figgy & Friends Blog! It is all about Giving! Giving of your time, talents, money, and networks. It is geared to families with young children and their friends.
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16k+ followers Thank you to those who follow me on Pinterest! F5th stands for Fab Fresh Fun with Family & Friends. My Pinterest boards are rather eclectic but some of the topics include: gifted, homeschooling, education, travel, food, arts & crafts, inspirational quotes. It'd be great if you'd wish to follow me on Pinterest. Would love to come check out your boards as well! If you are looking you're at the right place. Disclaimer: Although I am NOT a Pinterest employee, I am a huge Pinterest Fan!
You overwhelm me! Just when I think, "hey, colleen hasn't posted in awhile" then BAM! Tons of great photos to share. Thanks!
I have the new Homeschool Highlight Reel post up for this week if you want to participate. No need to write a new post, just add HHR button or link into one of these posts you have already written!
Keep up the great work!
Thanks for your nice comment. Would like to participate in the HHR thing you mentioned, but am going to have to go figure out how to do it. I have not done anything like this before so please excuse my learning curve...but hopefully, I will figure it out and will add it today.
Happy Friday!
Feel free to email me if you want help Colleen. Adding the button into your post is honestly the hardest part and I'm happy to help any way I can.
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