Will write out directions and will make a template for you to use with your children.
As far as materials, you will need:
Black heavy poster board, glitter spray, foil, glue, permanent markers, templates for the planets and the sun.
Big Bro loves to learn about the Solar System and anything and everything that goes along with that...so much so that he wanted the theme of his bedroom to be space and then, he threw in robots for good measure.
Since he enjoys reading and learning about space so much, instead of having books related to this theme in our classroom, they are stored in his bedroom.
Yesterday, at his homeschool co-op, they happened to make a neat Solar System project.
Thanks to Ms. Traci, I will share the directions with how to make this project. I am going to make a template for you for this...will post the template later...
Thought that some of you might enjoy seeing this and the templates of how to make this with your children.
Also, thought that I would share some links to other websites and blogs about the solar system.
Here are two with great ideas to go with the space theme with young children:
Solar System Art Projects by Mrs. Strange's Second Graders
Really well done and easy to use. Click on the photo of the child made project and the directions and materials needed to make the project pop up. Very cool!
Lapbook Lessons has some great free printables related to the Space Shuttle theme.
Homeschool Share also has a neat lapbook on Space.
Enchanted Learning Astronomy Crafts
Enchanted Learning requires that you pay for these...but even looking at the main page will give you some good ideas for free.
NASA has a neat interactive page full of activities for children.
Very fun and educational!
NASA Kids Club
That is GREAT information! We have the Me and my place in space book too!
What do you say that they no longer consider Pluto a planet?
Big Bro has a GREAT room!
Yes, astronomers decided that it is no longer a planet. It has an irregular path and is too small I guess to be a planet.
National Geographic had a story and so does Wikipedia.
Some of the books we have checked out from the library still have Pluto listed as a planet...so we always have to discuss this change.
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