The 2010 Ultimate Blog Party has started and like many things, I am jumping in at the last minute, and excited to have found out about it!
This is my first time participating!
What I found out is that you do not have to be a blogger to be part of the party, you can be a newbie or a veteran bloggy mom, and that there are loads of prizes that you can win!
Here are my top prize picks:
# 49 – $25 gift card to Starbucks
(What can I say...I love my lattes with one pump of vanilla and a hint of cinnamon!)
Any of the Target or Etsy gift cards
# 18 – Goodie Basket for Mom
# 37 – $20 Visa Gift Card
I am still getting the hang of blogging, so this should be an interesting experience!
Am looking forward to meeting new bloggy moms, especially those of you who are homeschooling using the Montessori Method, or embrace the ideas of Reggio Emilia's Hundred Languages of Children, art projects and block play, or other hands on method, or have a Montessori inspired classroom or home.
Here’s what 5 Minutes for Mom says about the party:
“The Ultimate Blog Party has become an exciting tradition in the “Momosphere”.
It is a bloggy carnival where participating bloggers publish a “party post” introducing themselves and then party hop through the linky lists meeting other bloggers.”
There will be a ton of blogs linking up and lots of great prizes, simply click on the Ultimate Blog Party banner to join in the fun! (You don't have to have a blog to visit all the great sites!)
Check out 5 Minutes for Mom for details.
If you are reading this and have visited my blog prior to this post, you will already know what the blog is about, but for purposes of this blog party, we are supposed to post as if it is everyone's first time coming and that we are to introduce ourselves...
So who am I and what can you find on my blog?
My name is Colleen and my blog, Sunrise Learning Lab, is a homeschooling blog that details our day-to-day lives living and learning in the Sunshine State.
My blog is full of resources, free printables, random thoughts related to homeschooling, using the Montessori Method and other hands on methods, and mommyhood.
Sunrise Learning Lab is a very family friendly blog.
I occasionally may mention something related to faith or to Christianity, but I hold the belief that our family's spiritual and religious journey is a private, personal one, so I choose to not mention too much about our faith on our blog...we are very open and respectful of other people's religions and tend to embrace the notion that everyone is on their own personal journey...
Each and every person's spiritual journey is a very personal experience and I am not untitled to judge or comment on, as we are all on our own own paths in life.
Please be sure to visit my sidebar for lots of other great Montessori inspired blogs, homeschooling blogs, mommy blogs, and websites.
I'm also offering a neat Earth Day prize package as a prize to a very lucky winner for the blog party!
The prize pack includes some neat Earth Day items, as well as some downloads for Earth Day to use with your family or classroom.
To enter, please tell me that you would like to win the Earth Day Prize Pack and please list your blog URL and / or your email so that I can contact you if you win.
Here are just some of the things I share on mt Sunrise Learning Lab blog...
* Montessori Work Extensions and Reggio Emilia inspired block play and art ideas
* Hands on ideas for homeschooling
* Arts and crafts
* Recipes
* Learning Lab organizational ideas
* Continents Swaps and Peace Banner Exchanges
* Lending Library ideas
* Reviews and Giveaways
* Free Printables
If you like what you see, please leave a comment.
If you have a family friendly, mommy, homeschooling, or classroom blog let me know, so I can visit you as well!
Have a Happy 2010 Ultimate Blog Party!
I tweeted about your blog party! I hope some people come and follow you great blog! I can't wait to see your new resource blog! WOOHOO
Thanks, Jody!!! You are my inspiration...can you believe I got do much done today? I'm at my mom's tonight. Dear Hubby has the boys at a pool party. Have a happy night and talk to you soon:)
Stopping by from the UBP! I enjoyed visiting your site. I am a Muffin Tin Monday and teach mama fan too.
Stopping by from the UBP...thanks for visiting my blog. I live in the Sunshine State too! I love the pictures your husband took of the shuttle launch. That is one thing that we have not traveled to do yet but really want to see.
I am so happy to meet you! Thanks for visiting Milk N' Honey! I will definitely be getting ideas from you. Blessings, Shonda
Hi! Just stopping by from the UBP. So nice to meet a fellow homeschool mom. I have three kids ages 8, 7 and 5 that I homeschool - stop by for a visit sometime.
Great blog ... I will definitely be back!
Happy Ultimate Blog Party 2010!!
Came over after seeing your comment on my blog. Thanks for visiting! Even though Cutie Pie doesn't seem to like hands-on things I'm going to keep visiting and hopefully get some ideas that he does like!
Cute, cute header...and a greaet blog...This is such a FUN party.
A random prize drawing for tonight (SUN) and then a $100 Gift basket for the GRAND PRIZE. I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs and having so much fun meeting new friends...Stop by for a visit...nothing you have to do but leave a comment on either of my blogs. Happy Sunday..
Those all sound great. Have to get my teen to look it them. she love chocolate! maybe wearing it will be right up her alley,lol. Over from UBP/ twitter. I do not homeschool, but have family who do and some friends as well. I'm #485 and 1527 on the UBP list. drop by and visit, let me know you came by. I will also leave my links for you Auntie E's kitchen.
Living Healthy
:::slinks in with martini in hand::: HELLO and welcome to the PARTAY!
I can't wait to read about your Montessori info, we're going to head that direction with HL and I'm just now starting to research and learn about it. Happy blogging, keep up the good work! Feel free to come by anytime and say HI
Your blog looks like a fun place! :) I'm not a homeschooler, but I enjoy homeschool blogs because I can often use ideas either with my own kids, or adapt them to use with the nursing home residents (where I work PT). I'll be back to check out that other blog!
I came by from the UBP~~ my party post is up HERE. I hope you'll drop by and say hello!
Thanks to those of you who have read my post and are excited about the reipes or the giveaway or both. Glad that you have all popped by...it makes my day to know that people have come by to say hello.
Happy Monday to everyone!
Hi Colleen, I found you through Mommy Moment on their Montessori Monday post. I'm doing the UBP10 too. I'm very interested in Montessori education (I'm due in August), and have added you to my blogroll. I'm excited to see all the educational activities you've outlined!
It's so great to find another homeschooler here at the UBP! Love your blog - will follow & will be be back soon.
Hello folks, I am going to post some comments and will try to email you all within the next few days. My friends arrived here today from Michigan and so we are just going to kick back and relax tonight and I will get back in touch with all of your lovely commenters tomorrow! Have fun at the UBP party without me tonight...this chick has to get the kids to bed so that two mommies can catch up and chat about our families, etc.(my buddy visiting is a dear friend from high school).
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I can't wait to see what your new blog has to offer :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Your blog looks awesome and you are super creative. Fortunately for my kids I don't home school. They would still be in 1st grade curriculum, haha. Now that they are in high school, pretty sure I can't do it either. I do admire those that choose to do, it's a huge undertaking and you will benefit from it greatly.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for stopping by for the party! I love to see Montessori in use. I went to a Montessori preschool back in the day.
I've been trying to do the Blog Party, but there's too much else going on right now. Looks like fun though! Thanks for visiting my blog.
Stopping in from the #ubp10! great blog you have here! Have a great evening.
Just dropping in to say Hi! from my site during the UBP10.
Great giveaways.
Thanks to all who have been stopping by! What fun! Happy Friday!
Thank you for your e-mail. I'm glad to meet another homeschooling Mom - and one with two boys as well. I'll reply in more detail via e-mail soon. Your blog is great! You'll be seeing me around here again. I'll also be taking a look at the Montessori site! I'd love to win an Earth Day prize package. I'm collecting ideas for what we'll do to celebrate the day; it's coming up soon!
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